Monday, March 1, 2010

1st week of "working out"

Started my workout Feb 22nd with a group of people I found on the BeachBody website. My target has been to lose weight, it has been for the past 10 years! My approach is different this time. I'm looking at this as a part of my daily regimen. I'm using the Power 90 videos by Tony Horton

This first week was a KILLER. After 2 days, I needed a break. I took some pictures and reality hit home, just seeing how my shape has changed with all the weight. I'm looking at losing 22 pounds so it should be a really big deal. The big deal is getting in shape. Although weight lose is a goal, I want my health to be improved, stronger.

Starting: I could not even do 1 complete pushup (with knees on ground). I ached all over after the workouts. I was drenched in sweat. After 1 week, I can do 7 pushup (with knees on ground), 6 of the 10 ab workouts and better at keeping up with the video. Still sweating like I just took a shower! My energy level is up and my mood is improved. Yeah! I was traveling this week, so did the workouts in my room. Did miss one day but started up again.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Those pushup are a killer. I am not a fan of the pushups that we do in the yoga section. We have to celebrate the little things to keep us motivated for the big result! You are doing great! I appreciate you helping me on my journey as well! Go team P90!
